Our History
Chain Lane Community Centre was saved from closure and brought into community ownership in March 2011, following two years of work by a wide range of stakeholders from the VCSE and statutory sectors. Funding was secured from a grant and loan mix from the Social Investment Business enabling the purchase and partial re-development of the centre.
In 2014 land to the rear of the site was sold to the Wilf Ward Trust to accommodate Sherburn House, a purpose-built care home for adults with complex needs. This enabled the completion of the refurbishment and Chain Lane Community Centre proudly opened its doors in March 2015.
Since the early 1940’s the buildings on Chain Lane have been at the centre of community life.
Built originally to house the local Land Army Teams during World War 2. The Chain Lane Centre has been a popular community facility for over 80 years, providing a meeting place for a wide range of local organisations, notably the Youth Service. It was acquired by Harrogate College in 1996 when a parcel of assets was transferred from the local authority, and subsequently by Leeds Metropolitan University (Leeds Met). The University indicated in 2008 that they wished to sell the site, and there was real concern that the centre would be lost as a community asset.
May 2008 – May 2010
Centre under threat of closure
January 2011
Funding to purchase and begin refurbishment
The site was secured by a social investment business
January 2011
Funding to purchase and begin refurbishment of the site secured from Social Investment Business
March 2011
Purchase of site completed
March 2011 – September 2011
Initial refurbishment of offices, toilet block and construction of new lobby
July 2012
Further re-development undertaken in the community spaces utilising funds secured from Wren and other local funds
July 2012 – November 2013
Sale of land
Negotiations with Wilf Ward Family Trust for sale of land to the rear of the site and support for their planning application
January 2013
Charitable status achieved
November 2013
Planning application for care home at land to the rear of the site achieved
July 2014
Sale of land to Wilf Ward Family Trust completed
August 2014
Re-development of community space continues
December 2014
Loss of NYCC youth service (anchor tenant) due to austerity cuts
February 2015
Re-development of community space complete – re-launch event held.
September 2021
Progression through the pandemic
In September 2021 Chain Lane Community Centre played a pivotal role in the Covid Vaccination Programme. Homecare Pharmacy approached the charity to provide accommodation for a mass vaccination centre. At its peak there were over 1000 people a day being vaccinated. Between September and December 2021 over 65,000 vaccinations were given to local people and beyond.
July 2022
Chain Lane Community Hub, Knaresborough Connectors and the Knaresborough & District Chamber of Trade came together to re-open the Kiosk @ Conyngham and the Games in the Park facilities bringing them into community management, in partnership with Harrogate Borough Council.
We are delighted to announce that the Kiosk has received a refit and is now a modern cafe providing snacks, drinks and ice creams Community Stars.
Community Stars, a local not for profit are now responsible for managing this community asset
May 2023
Eurovision Fundraiser – We hosted a fundrasing event and party to support Bob Frendt to fundraise for Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine. We raised £706 to go towards his efforts. up to 150 people attended and Nick Hancock from your Harrogate MC’d the evening.
June 2023
We welcomed 2 new tenants to our building. the NHS Phlebotomy clinic and CLiff House Community Support. Both providing essential services to the local community.
December 2023
We are absolutely delighted to reveal our trompe l’oeil. Based around our rich heritage of the land army. The Trome L’oeil was commissioned by Knaresborough Feva and the local artis Shirley Vine.
December 2023
Our CEO Sue Vasey won the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Your Harrogate Local Hero Awards. Elina Kyrychok, our Ukrainian Support Worker and English teacher wont the Bravery award also.
December 2023
We secured Community Transport for Knaresborough, supporting residents who struggle to access transport.
6th May 2024
Knaresborough was hit by flash flooding on 6th May, we were the centre for the emergency response working in partnership with North Yorkshire Council, Knaresborough Town council and other support services to supporting residents to access immediate and longer term support
November 2024
We received a significant grant from Groundworks and the Government to install energy efficiency measures including Solar Panels and Intelligent Heating with the intention to become Net Zero.
December 2024
We launched our Ageing well programme. The Ageing well programme seeks to support older and vulnerable residents to live well. We received funding NYC and the Lottery to enable us to do this work