Keeping Safe & Warm
A safe and warm home is essential to stay well. The following section will provide details of national and local initiatives that can support you to make sure your home is safe and warm in the future. This section will also list warm venues across the town that also provide information about the community. Age UK can provide you with individualised support to Stay Safe and Warm in your home. Age UK Advice: 0800 169 65 65
Energy Bill Advice and Support
With the rising cost of living, fuel energy advice has never been more important. Citizens Advice have a dedicated “Warm and Well” team who have expert energy advisers who can provide advice on how to save money on energy costs, getting the best deal from suppliers and tackling problems with them, accessing grants and priority services.
Contact Number: 01609 767555 Freephone: 0808 278 7900
Website: Warm & Well – North Yorkshire Citizens Advice and Law Centre (NYCALC)
FREE Care Packages
Chain Lane Community Hub has a limited number of free care packages for adults most susceptible to the cold in Knaresborough. The package includes a microwavable hot water bottle and fluffy socks. If you are over the age of 65 and have health conditions you may be eligible for a free care package.
Contact Number: 01423 861066 Email: info@chainlane.org
Warm and Well Community Venues
As a town, we have some amazing venues where you can visit for a cup of tea, a chat or to find out information on how to get involved with local groups and community activities.
Venue | Location |
Resurrected Bites & Gracious Street | Gracious St Methodist Church, Chapel Street entrance, HG5 8AN |
Stockwell Wellbeing Hub | 79 Stockwell Avenue, Knaresborough HG5 0LG |
Knaresborough Library | Marketplace, Knaresborough HG5 8AG |
Chain Lane Community Hub | Chain Lane, Knaresborough, HG5 0TR |
Home Fire Safety Visit
A Home Fire Safety Visit is a person-centred visit to your home by the fire brigade. A Home Fire Safety Visit will:
Help you to reduce and prevent fires in your home
Identify potential fire risks in your home
Provide information about bedtime routines to help keep you safe at night
Help you create a robust escape plan
Check and, if necessary, provide smoke alarms in your property and make sure you know how to test them
As part of their visits, they can also give advice about health and wellbeing, This may include where to find support and further advice on:
Giving up smoking
Avoiding falls
Keeping your home warm
Living with dementia
Website: North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service
Contact Number: 01609 780150
Power Grid Priority Service
If you need extra support or advice in a power cut due to personal or medical circumstances you may benefit from joining the free Priority Services Membership. If you, or someone you care for, needs the power on for medical reasons, are elderly, sick, disabled, have trouble communicating or have young children to look after, you could become a member.
Website: www.northernpowergrid.com/be-prepared Contact Number: 0800 011 3332
Handy Man Service
Do you have small jobs you need doing around the house? Struggling to find an affordable tradesperson you can trust or will carry out small jobs such as fitting a key safe, putting up shelves, mending door handles, changing batteries in smoke alarms or fitting a new light bulb in a difficult to reach place? We can provide you with details of trusted tradesmen who work with Chain Lane Community Hub to provide you with these services.
Contact Number: 01423 861066 Email: info@chainlane.org
Other Resources
Keeping Active and Engaged
Find out about low cost or free activities in your area to support wellbeing