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Community Anchor

Community Anchor

People, Power and Places

We are the Community Anchor for Knaresborough. Building on the success of the Covid-19 model of Community Support, North Yorkshire Council’s Stronger Communities’ Programme was looking to partner with and invest in a network of Community Anchor Organisations.

This investment will help us to deliver against the core aims of the wider Stronger Communities Programme

  • Prevention and reducing health inequalities
  • Supporting people to live longer, healthier and independent lives within their community
  • Supporting communities to become more resilient and able to respond to local challenges
  • Ensuring that the places where people live, now and in the future, create new opportunities, promote wellbeing and reduce inequalities so that people have better lives, in stronger communities and achieve their potential
  • Supporting community development, social action and the creation
    of community wealth

Get in touch!

If there is anything that we can help with, from hiring rooms, joining a group or information about activities, please give us a ring or send us a message