Curiously Strong Art Group

Weekly Life Drawing Sessions
An informal, social and really friendly, self taught group without membership.
Open to anyone aged 18+ and attended by adults of all ages.
We range in ability from absolute beginners to experienced artists.
Work in your own style, at your own pace, accompanied by like-minded people.
Professional Artistic advice and help is available if you wish.
There are boards and cheap paper available plus easels for those wishing to borrow one.
£8.00 per session (pay as you attend) with refreshments included.
Just turn up and bring some of your own materials, if you have some.
For further information, please contact:
Geoff Almond
Mobile: 07713 646540
Timetable for Curiously Strong Art Group
CSAG - 7:15 pm - 9:15 pm
Curiously Strong Art Group
Relaxed, friendly and social life model art group for any ability. All welcome!