Emergy Fitness and Wellbeing

Emma says “I personally get a real buzz from running fitness classes in the community. There’s nothing like working out with others to create that ‘Emergy’ which benefits us physically, mentally and socially! I run classes across a range of different themes – everything from pilates to HiiT to boxercise and strengthening classes.”
Classes are mixed ability and suitable for beginners to advanced fitness levels.
Different options are provided for exercises so that you can work at your own level, pace yourself and do what feels right for you individually.
Timetable for Emergy Fitness and Wellbeing
Pilates with Emergy - 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Emergy Fitness and Wellbeing
HiiT Fitness with Emergy - 9:30 am - 10:15 am
Emergy Fitness and Wellbeing
Pilates with Emergy - 10:25 am - 11:10 am
Emergy Fitness and Wellbeing
Pilates with Emergy - 6:15 pm - 7:15 pm
Emergy Fitness and Wellbeing