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Weigh Better Together

Weigh Better Together



About us and what we offer…

With over 25 years in the wellness and weight loss industry we have a passion for changing people’s lives. We are Certified Nutritionists who know that to achieve their weight loss goals our members need lots of support. Diets don’t work. Changing habits, committing to lifestyle changes and changing your mindset is the only way to sustainable weight loss.

The first thing you’ll notice when you walk through our doors is that we are different…

* It’s just £5 a week, not contracts, no joining fees

* Fun, informative and inspirational meetings

* With calorie counting you’re in charge of what you eat with nothing off limits, no guilt attached to food

* A special discount code for the Nutracheck App when you join makes calorie counting so easy

* A ‘What’s on Your Plate option for those who prefer not to weigh, measure or count

* Oodles of support both in meetings and in our exclusive to members Facebook group

* One to one coaching at the scales and a cuppa and a chat with like minded people

* A ‘no weigh’ option… we know that success doesn’t begin and end at the scales!

*A focus on all aspects of health, wellbeing and looking after yourself, it’s not just about weight loss


For more information contact Kim at or get in touch with the ‘Weigh Better Together’ family via their website:

Timetable for Weigh Better Together

Nothing scheduled for Monday!

Interested in booking a room?


  • Weigh Better Together Logo

    Weigh Better Together - 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

    Weigh Better Together

    Com​e join us and achieve your weight loss goals

Nothing scheduled for Wednesday!

Interested in booking a room?

Nothing scheduled for Thursday!

Interested in booking a room?

Nothing scheduled for Friday!

Interested in booking a room?

Nothing scheduled for Saturday!

Interested in booking a room?

Get in touch!

If there is anything that we can help with, from hiring rooms, joining a group or information about activities, please give us a ring or send us a message